with pointed pen

This client has been keeping me busy all through this year, and they are fabulous to work with. They have been using similar stationery but slightly different to each event or project but this script has been their favorite.


This is done by pointed nib – Gillot 303 or Leonard Principal – depends on the surface of the envelope. Its basically similar to copperplate / round hand but this has larger loops and you can go up and down slightly on the base line.

DSC01154I did not copy this style from anything but being more free than strict copper plate, I can go faster.

Capitals are similar but BDFPR don’t have a curvy spines, and AMN are different. All these differences are for the speed – I just made them up for my self!

This script works for these kind of commercial works. Looks great on the invitations or envelopes. But I don’t think I would use this to write an poem….

This has been popular to other design giants, too. Its fast but looks still stylish with a bit more fun and modern – love to use it more in the future.

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